Water Supply & Drainage Division

Installed Examples SKBiO

Model case: Improvement of existing activated sludge process

Compared to installing pressure floatation device, our solution requires less cost in terms of facility remodeling as well as reducing the amount of sludge produced

Stable treatment is realized through efficiently biodegrading oils and fats

If untreated inflow water contains a high proportion of oils and fats and is causing the settling properties of activated sludge to deteriorate due to the growth of filamentous bacteria and sludge bulking, which results in unstable treatment…

The application of SKBiO, and using bio carriers for the process before the activated sludge process can improve the biological treatment ability.

Model case: Flowsheet

Installed example: Food factory (river effluent)

Wastewater volume 150m3/day
  Influent to
carrier tank
BOD 1300 20
SS 350 30
COD 400 20
n-Hex 180 15
[Kagawa Pref.]
  • Addition in 2011
It can function to immobilize oil and fat degrading bacteria.

In the activated sludge process, there were some concerns about maintaining stable sludge conditions to due to the high amount of oil and fat contained in the drainage.

The combination of SKBiO and ACUACUBE enabled immobilization of oil-degrading microorganisms and consequently realized stable treatment of oil and fat.

Installation of equipment
Case1: Flowsheet

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